Papers, Technical Reports, International Conferrence
- Aika Kamei , Hideharu Amano, Takuya Kojima, Daiki Yokoyama, Kimiyoshi Usami, Keizo Hiraga, Kenta Suzuki, Kazuhiro Bessho, "A Variation-Aware MTJ Store Energy Estimation Model for Edge Devices With Verify-and-Retryable Nonvolatile Flip-Flops", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (VLSI). [IEEE Xplore]
- Takuya Kojima, Hayate Okuhara, Masaaki Kondo, Hideharu Amano, “A Scalable Body Bias Optimization Method Towards Low-Power CGRAs”, IEEE Micro, Vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 49-57, Jan.-Feb. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/MM.2022.3226739. [IEEE Xplore]
- Yusuke Yamasaki and Hideki Takase, "F2MKD: Fog-enabled Federated Learning with Mutual Knowledge Distillation," 2023 IEEE 20th Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, pp. 682-683, Jan 2023.
- Ryota Miyagi, Ryota Yasudo, Kentaro Sano and Hideki Takase, "Elastic Sample Filter: An FPGA-based Accelerator for Bayesian Network Structure Learning," 2022 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (ICFPT), Hong Kong, pp. 1-1, Dec 2022.
- Boma Adhi, Carlos Cortes, Tomohiro Ueno, Yiyu Tan, Takuya Kojima, Artur Podobas, Kentaro Sano, "Exploring Inter-tile connectivity for HPC-oriented CGRA with Lower Resource Usage", 2022 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (ICFPT), Hong Kong, China, Dec 2022.
- Boma Adhi, Carlos Cortes, Yiyu Tan, Takuya Kojima, Artur Podobas, Kentaro Sano, “The Cost of Flexibility: Embedded versus Discrete Routers in CGRAs for HPC”, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), Germany, Sep. 2022.
- Takuya Kojima, Boma Adhi, Carlos Cortes, Yiyu Tan, Kentaro Sano, "An Architecture-Independent CGRA Compiler enabling OpenMP Applications", 2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), May 2022.
- Boma Adhi, Carlos Cortes, Yiyu Tan, Takuya Kojima, Artur Podobas, Kentaro Sano, "Exploration Framework for Synthesizable CGRAs Targeting HPC: Initial Design and Evaluation", 2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), May 2022.
- Yosuke Ueno, Masaaki Kondo, Masamitsu Tanaka, Yasunari Suzuki, Yutaka Tabuchi, "QULATIS: A Quantum Error Correction Methodology toward Lattice Surgery", The 28th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-28), pp.274-287, April 2022.
- Takuya Kojima, Hayate Okuhara, Masaaki Kondo, Hideharu Amano, "Body Bias Control on a CGRA based on Convex Optimization", COOLCHIPS25, Japan, April, 2022
- Ryota Miyagi and Hideki Takase, "An FPGA Accelerator of Bayesian Network Structure Learning Using Parallel Calculation of Local Scores," The International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPC Asia 2022), Jan 2022.
- Yosuke Ueno, Masaaki Kondo, Masamitsu Tanaka, Yasunari Suzuki, and Yutaka Tabuchi, "QECOOL: On-Line Quantum Error Correction with a Superconducting Decoder for Surface Code", In Proceedings of the 58th ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), Dec 2021.
- Ryota Miyagi, Sho Kinoshita, Masashi Oda, Naofumi Takagi and Hideki Takase, "FPGA Integrated ROS-Based Autonomous Mobile Robot," in Proc. of 2021 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT), Dec 2021.
- Satoshi Okada, Daisuke Miyamoto, Yuji Sekiya, Hideki Takase and Hiroshi Nakamura, "LDoS Attacker Detection Algorithms in Zigbee Network," in Proc. of The 14th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings), Dec 2021.
- Shaswot Shresthamali, Masaaki Kondo, and Hiroshi Nakamura, "Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Nodes (Accepted)," in 14th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-Core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC 2021), Dec 2021.
- Ryota Miyagi and Hideki Takase, "Parallel Calculation of Local Scores in Bayesian Network Structure Learning using FPGA," in Proc. of Asia Pacific Conference on Robot IoT System Development and Platform, pp. 1-6, Nov 2021.
- Satoshi Okada, Daisuke Miyamoto, Yuji Sekiya, and Hiroshi Nakamura, "New LDoS Attack in Zigbee Network and Its Possible Countermeasures," in The 5th IEEE International Workshop on Big Data and IoT Security in Smart Computing, Aug 2021.
- Yang Qin, Masaaki Kondo, "MLMG: Multi-Local and Multi-Global Model Aggregation for Federated Learning", The Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Smart & Green Edge Computing and Networking (SmartEdge 2021), March 2021.
- Motoki Sakurai, Yosuke Ueno, Masaaki Kondo: Path Planning and Moving Obstacle Avoidance with Neuromorphic Computing, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Safety for Robotics (IEEE/ISR 2021), March 2021.
- Hiroki Oikawa and Masaaki Kondo, "Density-Based Data Selection and Management for Edge Computing", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom2021), March 2021.
- Motoki Sakurai, Yosuke Ueno, Masaaki Kondo: Path Planning and Moving Obstacle Avoidance with Neuromorphic Computing, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Safety for Robotics (IEEE/ISR 2021), March 2021
- Hiroki Oikawa and Masaaki Kondo, "Density-Based Data Selection and Management for Edge Computing", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom2021), March 2021.
- Yuan He, Jinyu Jiao and Masaaki Kondo, "Local Traffic-Based Energy-Efficient Hybrid Switching for On-Chip Networks", 29th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP 2021), March 2021.
- Yuta Suzuki, Ryuichi Sakamoto, and Hiroshi Nakamura, "Dynamic Power Management for 5G Small Cell Base Station," in 13th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS 2021), Jan 2021.
- Tomoya Yamashita, Daisuke Miyamoto, Yuji Sekiya, and Hiroshi Nakamura, "Slow Scan Attack Detection Based on Communication Behavior", 10th International Conference on Communication and Network Security 2020 (ICCNS 2020), virtual Nov. 2020
- Yang Qin, Hiroki Mastutani, and Masaaki Kondo, "A Selective Model Aggregation Approach in Federated Learning for Online Anomaly Detection", 13th International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, pp.178-185, Oct. 2020.
- Hiroki Oikawa, Tomoya Nishida, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Hiroki Matsutani, and Masaaki Kondo, "Fast Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection of Drivers' Behavior using Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine", The 23rd IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITS2020), 8-pages, Sep. 2020.
- Yuan He, Jinyu Jiao, Thang Cao and Masaaki Kondo: Energy-Efficient On-Chip Networks through Profiled Hybrid Switching, The 30th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI 2020), pp241-246, Sep. 2020.
- Mineto Tsukada, Masaaki Kondo, Hiroki Matsutani: A Neural Network-Based On-device Learning Anomaly Detector for Edge Devices, IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), Vol.69, No.7, pp.1027-1044, July 2020.
- Yuan He, Jinyu Jiao, Thang Cao and Masaaki Kondo: Energy-Efficient On-Chip Networks through Profiled Hybrid Switching, The 30th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI 2020), pp.241-246, Sep. 2020 (to appear).
- Ryuichi Sakamoto, Masaaki Kondo, Kohei Fujita, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, and Kengo Nakajima: The Effectiveness of Low-Precision Floating Arithmetic on Numerical Codes: A Case Study on Power Consumption, International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia Pacific Region (HPCAsia 2020), Jan. 2020.
Shaswot Shresthamali, Masaaki Kondo, and Hiroshi Nakamura: Power Management of Wireless Sensor Nodes with Coordinated Distributed Reinforcement Learning,
The 37th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD2019), Nov. 2019.
Ryohei Tomura, Takuya Kojima, Hideharu Amano, Ryuichi Sakamoto, and Masaki Kondo: A Real Chip Evaluation of a CNN Accelerator SNACC,
The 22nd Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information Technologies, Oct. 2019.
Sayaka Terashima, Takuya Kojima, Hayate Okuhara, Kazusa Musha, Hideharu Amano, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Masaaki Kondo and Mitaro Namiki: A Preliminary Evaluation of Buiding Block Computing Systems,
13th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC-2019), pp.312-319, Oct. 2019.
Rei Ito, Mineto Tsukada, Masaaki Kondo, and Hiroki Matsutani: An Adaptive Abnormal Behavior Detection using Online Sequential Learning,
Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC'19), Aug 2019.
Mineto Tsukada, Masaaki Kondo, Hiroki Matsutani: OS-ELM-FPGA: An FPGA-Based Online Sequential Unsupervised Anomaly Detector,
The 16th International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (HeteroPar'18), Aug. 2018.
Ryuichi Sakamoto, Tapasya Patki, Thang Cao, Masaaki Kondo, Koji Inoue, Masatsugu Ueda, Daniel Ellsworth, Barry Rountree, and Martin Schulz: Analyzing Resource Trade-offs in Hardware Overprovisioned Supercomputers,
32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS2018), 10pages, May 2018.
Yasutaka Wada, Yuan He, Thang Cao, Masaaki Kondo: A Power Management Framework with Simple DSL for Automatic Power-Performance Optimization on Power-Constrained HPC Systems,
SupercomputingAsia 2018 (SCA18), 20pages, Mar. 2018.
- Shaswot Shresthamali, Masaaki Kondo, and Hiroshi Nakamura: Adaptive Power Management in Solar Energy Harvesting Sensor Node using Reinforcement Learning, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol.16, No.5s, pp.181:1-181:21, Oct. 2017.
Ryuichi Sakamoto, Ryo Takata, Jun Ishii, Masaaki Kondo, Hiroshi Nakamura, Tetsui Ohkubo, Takuya Kojima and Hideharu Amano: The Design and Implementation of Scalable Deep Neural Network Accelerator Cores,
IEEE 11th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC-17), 8pages, Sep. 2017.
Ryuichi Sakamoto, Thang Cao, Masaaki Kondo, Koji Inoue, Masatsugu Ueda, Tapasya Patki, Daniel Ellsworth, Barry Rountree, and Martin Schulz: Production Hardware Overprovisioning: Real-world Performance Optimization using an Extensible Power-aware Resource Management Framework,
31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS2017). 10pages, May 2017.
Thang Cao, Wei Huang, Yuan He, and Masaaki Kondo: Cooling-Aware Job Scheduling and Node Allocation for Overprovisioned HPC Systems,
31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS2017), 10pages, May 2017.
Tetsui Ohkubo, Ryo Tanaka, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Masaaki Kondo, and Hideharu Amano: NAMACHA: A Software Development Environment for a Multi-Chip Convolutional Network Accelerator,
32nd International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA'17), Mar. 2017.
- Atsushi Koshiba, Mikiko Sato, Kimiyoshi Usami, Hideharu Amano, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Masaaki Kond, Hiroshi Nakamura, and Mitaro Namiki: An Operating System Guided Fine-Grained Power Gating Control Based on Runtime Characteristics of Applications, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol.E99-C, No.8, pp.926-935, Aug. 2016.
- Yuan He and Masaaki Kondo: Opportunistic Circuit-Switching for Energy Efficient On-Chip Networks, The 24th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC 2016), 6pages, Sep. 2016.
- Thang Cao, Yuan He, and Masaaki Kondo: Demand-Aware Power Management for Power-Constrained HPC Systems, The 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid2016), pp.21-31, May 2016.
A. Koshiba, M. Wada, R. Sakamoto, M. Sato, T. Kosaka, K. Usami, H. Amano, M. Kondo, H. Nakamura, and M. Namiki: A Fine-Grained Power Gating Control on Linux Monitoring Power Consumption of Processor Functional Units, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol.E98-C, No.7, pp.559-568 (2015).
H. Noguchi, K. Ikegami, S. Takaya, E. Arima, A. Kawasumi, H. Hara, K. Abe, N. Shimomura, J. Ito, S. Fujita, T. Nakada, and H. Nakamura: 4Mb STT-MRAM-based Cache with Memory-Access-aware Power Optimization and Novel Write-Verified-Write / Read-Modified-Write Scheme, 2016 IEEE International Conference of Solid-State Circuits (ISSCC), pp.132--133, Feb. (2016).
T. Nakada, H. Yanagihashi, H. Ueki, T. Tsuchiya, M. Hayashikoshi, and H. Nakamura: Energy-Efficient Continuous Task Scheduling for Near Real-time Periodic Tasks, The Eighth IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings'15), pp.675--681, Dec. (2015).
S. Miwa, and H. Nakamura: Profile-Based Power Shifting in Interconnection Networks with On/Off Links, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'15).
Y. Inadomi, T. Patki, K. Inoue, M. Aoyagi, B. Rountree, M. Schulz, D. K. Lowenthal, Y. Wada, K. Fukazawa, M. Ueda, M. Kondo, and I. Miyoshi: Analyzing and Mitigating the Impact of Manufacturing Variability in Power-Constrained Supercomputing, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'15).
E. Arima, H. Noguchi, T. Nakada, S. Miwa, S. Takeda, S. Fujita, and H. Nakamura: Immediate Sleep: Reducing Energy Impact of Peripheral Circuits in STT-MRAM Caches, The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD'15), pp.157--164, Oct. (2015).
Y. He, M. Kondo, T. Nakada, H. Sasaki, S. Miwa, and H. Nakamura: Runtime Multi-Optimizations for Energy Efficient On-chip Interconnections, The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD'15) (poster presentation), Oct. (2015).
E. Arima, S. Miwa, T. Nakada, S. Takeda, H. Noguchi, S. Fujita, and H. Nakamura: Subarray Level Power-Gating in STT-MRAM Caches to Mitigate Energy Impact of Peripheral Circuits, 2015 52nd ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), Work-in-Progress Session (poster presentation), (June 2015).
J. Yao, Y. Nakashima, N. Devisetti, K. Yoshimura, T. Nakada: A Tightly Coupled General Purpose Reconfigurable Accelerator LAPP and Its Power States for HotSpot-Based Energy Reduction, IEICE Trans., Vol.E97-D,No.12, pp.3092-3100, Dec. (2014).
S. Miwa, and C. R. Lefurgy:
Evaluation of Core Hopping on POWER7,
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Special Issue on Greenmetrics 2014, pp.11--16 (2014).
S. Miwa, T. Inoue, and H. Nakamura: Area-Efficient Microprocessors for Reinforcement of Turbo Mode,
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Informantion and Systems, Vol.E97-D, No.5, pp.1196-1210 (2014).
Takashi Nakada, Tomoki Hatanaka, Hiroshi Ueki, Masanori Hayashikoshi, Toru Shimizu, Hiroshi Nakamura: "An adaptive energy-efficient task scheduling with energy model," Annual Meeting on Advanced Computing System and Infrastructure (ACSI), Jan. 28 (2015)
Kimiyoshi Usami, Makoto Miyauchi, Masaru Kudo, Kazumitsu Takagi, Hideharu Amano, Mitaro Namiki, Masaaki Kondo, Hiroshi Nakamura, “Unbalanced Buffer Tree Synthesis to Suppress Ground Bounce for Fine-grain Power Gating,” International Symposium on System-on-Chip 2014, Oct. 2014.
Atsushi Koshiba, Jun Tsukamoto, Motoki Wada, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Mikiko Sato, Tsubasa Kosaka, Kimiyoshi Usami, Hideharu Amano, Masaaki Kondo, Hiroshi Nakamura, Mitaro Namiki: “A Fine-grained Power Gating Control using Leakage Monitor by Linux Process Scheduler,” IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips(CoolChips ) XVII, poster 6, Yokohama, Japan, 15 Apr., 2014.
T. Nakada, T. Shigematsu, T. Komoda, S. Miwa, Y. Sato, H. Ueki, M. Hayashikoshi, T. Shimizu and H. Nakamura: Data-aware Power Management for Periodic Real-time Systems with Non-Volatile Memory, The 3rd IEEE Nonvolatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA'14), 6 pages (2014).
E. Arima, H. Noguchi, T. Nakada, S. Miwa, S. Takeda, S. Fujita, and H. Nakamura:
Fine-Grain Power-Gating on STT-MRAM Peripheral Circuits with Locality-aware Access Control,
The Memory Forum (in conjuction with the 41st International Symposium on Conputer Architecture), 5 pages (June 2014) (not published).
M. Kondo, H. Kobayashi, R. Sakamoto, M. Wada, J. Tsukamoto, M. Namiki, W. Wang, H. Amano, M. Kensaku, K. Masaru, K. Usami, T. Komoda, and H. Nakamura, "Design and Evaluation of Fine-Grained Power-Gating for Embedded Microprocessors", Proceedings of the 17th Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference (DATE'14),, Mar 2014.
- Noriyuki Miura, Yusuke Koizumi, Yasuhiro Take, Hiroki Matsutani, Tadahiro Kuroda, Hideharu Amano, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Mitaro Namiki, Kimiyoshi Usami, Masaaki Kondo, and Hiroshi Nakamura,
A Scalable 3D Heterogeneous Multicore with an Inductive ThruChip Interface 3D NoC,
IEEE Micro, Vol.33, Issue 6, pp.6-15, Nov/Dec. 2013.
H. Nakamura, W. Wang, Y. Ohta, K. Usami, H. Amano, M. Kondo, and M. Namiki,
"Fine-Grained Run-Tume Power Gating through Co-optimization of Circuit, Architecture, and System Software Design",
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol.E96-C No.4 pp.404-412, 2013 (Invited).
K. Usami, M. Kudo, K. Matsunaga, T. Kosaka, Y. Tsurui, W. Wang, H. Amano, H. Kobayashi, R. Sakamoto, M. Namik, M. Kondo, and H. Nakamura, "Design and Control Methodology for Fine Grain Power Gating Based on Energy Characterization and Code Profiling of Microprocessors", Proceedings of the 19th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'14)
Y.Koizumi, N.Miura, Y.Take, H.Matsutani, T.Kuroda, H.Amano, R.Sakamoto, M.Namiki, K.Usami, M.Kondo, and H.Nakamura, Demonstration of a Heterogeneous Multi-Core Processor with 3-D Inductive Coupling Links, FPL2013, Sept. 2013
N.Miura, Y.Koizumi, E.Sasaki, Y.Take, H.Matsutani, K.Usami, T.Kuroda, H.Amano, R.Sakamoto, M.Namiki, K.Usami, M.Kondo, and H.Nakamura, A Scalable 3D Heterogeneous Multi-Core Processor with Inductive-Coupling ThruChip Interface, (Poster) HOTCHIPS 2013, August 2013.
T. Komoda, S. Hayashi, T. Nakada, S. Miwa and H. Nakamura,
"Power Capping of CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Systems through Coordinating DVFS and Task Mapping",
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD'13), pp.349-356, Oct. 2013.
T. Nakada, S. Miwa, K. Yano and H. Nakamura,
"Performance Modeling for Designing NoC-based Multiprocessors",
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP'13), pp.30-36, Oct. 2013.
T. Komoda, N. Maruyama, S. Miwa and H. Nakamura,
"Integrating Multi-GPU Execution in an OpenACC Compiler",
Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'13), pp.260-269, Oct. 2013.
S. Miwa, S. Aita and H. Nakamura,
"Performance Estimation of High Performance Computing Systems with Energy Efficient Ethernet Technology",
Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy-Aware High Performance Computing (EnA-HPC'13), pp.1-, Sep. 2013.
Y. He, H. Sasaki, S. Miwa and H. Nakamura,
"McRouter: Multicast within a Router for High Performance Network-on-Chips",
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT'13), pp.319-329, Sep. 2013.
Y. He, H. Sasaki, S. Miwa and H. Nakamura,
"Predict-more Router: A Low Latency NoC Router with More Route Predictions",
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Communication Architecture for Scalable Systems (CASS'13), pp.842-850, May. 2013.
- S. Takeda, S. Miwa, K. Usami and H. Nakamura, "Stepwise Sleep Depth Control for Run-Time Leakage Power Saving", 2012 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI'12), pp.233-238, May. 2012.
- K. Kim, S. Takeda, S. Miwa and H. Nakamura, "A Novel Power-Gating Scheme Utilizing Data Retentiveness on Caches", 2012 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI'12) (poster presentation), pp.91-94, May. 2012.
- S. Takeda, S. Miwa, K. Usami and H. Nakamura, "Efficient Leakage Power Saving by Sleep Depth Controlling for Multi-mode Power Gating", The 13th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED'12), pp.627-634, Mar. 2012.
- T. Komoda, S. Miwa and H. Nakamura, "Communication Library to Overlap Computation and Communication for OpenCL Application", The 17th International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environment (HIPS'12), pp.560-566, May. 2012.
- Seidai Takeda, Shinobu Miwa, Kimiyoshi Usami, Hiroshi Nakamura, "Efficient Leakage Power Saving by Sleep Depth Controlling for Multi-mode Power Gating", the 13th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED'12), pp.-, Mar. 2012.(To appear)
- K.Usami, Y.Goto, K.Matsunaga, S.Koyama, D.Ikebuchi, H.Amano, H.Nakamura, "On-chip Detection Methodology for Break-Even Time of Power Gated Function Units", International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED'11) (poster) (to be appear).
- K.Usami, T.Hashida, S.Koyama, T.Yamamoto, D.Ikebuchi, H.Amano, M.Namiki, M.Kondo, H.Nakamura "Adaptive Power Gating for Function Units in a Microprocessor", ISQED2010, pp. 29 - 37, March, 2010
- H. Matsutani, M. Koibuchi, D. Ikebuchi, K. Usami, H. Nakamura, H. Amano, "Ultra Fine-Grained Run-Time Power Gating of On-Chip Routers for CMPs", Proc. of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS'10), pp.61-68, May 2010.
- L.Zhao, D.Ikebuchi, Y.Saito, M.Kamata, N.Seki, Y.Kojima, H.Amano, S.Koyama, T.Hashida, Y.Umahashi, D.Masuda, K.Usami, T.Sunata, K.Kimura, M.Namiki, S.Takeda, H.Nakamura and M.Kondo, "Geyser-1 and Geyser-2: MIPS R3000 CPU chips with Fine-grain Runtime Power Gating", Coolchips-XIII, 2010
- H. Matsutani, Y. Hirata, M. Koibuchi, Y. Umahashi, K. Usami, H. Nakamura and H. Amano, "A Multi-Vdd Variable-Pipeline On-Chip Router for CMPs", The Poster Session at the ACM 24th International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'10), Poster session, Jun 2010
- K.Usami, T.Shirai, T.Hashida, H.Masuda, S.Takeda, M.Nakata, N.Seki, H.Amano, M.Namiki, M.Imai, M.Kondo, and H.Nakamura, "Design and Implementation of Fine-grain Power Gating with Ground Bounce Suppression", The 22nd IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design, pp. 381-386, India, Jan. 2009
- K.Usami, M.Nakata, T.Shirai, S.Takeda, N.Seki, H.Amano, and H.Nakamura, "Implementation and Evaluation of Fine-grain Run-time Power Gating for a Multiplier", ICICDT (International Conference on IC Design and Technology), pp. 7-10, May 2009
- N.Takagi, H.Sasaki, M.Kondo, and H.Nakamura, "Cooperative Shared Resource Access Control for Low Power Chip Multiprocessors", ISLPED-2009, pp. 177-182, August, 2009 (CD-ROM)
- T.Mishima, and H.Nakamura, "Pangea: An Eager Database Replication Middleware guaranteeing Snapshot Isolation without Modification of Database Servers", VLDB09, pp.1066-1077 (CD-ROM), 2009
- H.Sasaki, T.Oya, M.Kondo and H.Nakamura, "Power-Performance Modeling of Heterogeneous Cluster-Based Web Servers", E2GC2 (Energy Efficient Grids, Clouds and Clusters) workshop in conjunction with Grid2009, pp. 225-231, Oct., 2009
- D.Ikebuchi, N.Seki, Y.Kojima, M.Kamata, L.Zhao, H.Amano, T.Shirai,, S.Koyama, T.Hashida, Y.Umahashi, H.Masuda, K.Usami, S.Takeda, H.Nakamura, M.Namiki, M.Kondo, "Geyser-1: A MIPS R3000 CPU core with fine grain runtime power gating", Proc. of IEEE ASSCC (Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference), pp. 281-284, Nov., 2009
- T. Komoda, H. Sasaki, M. Kondo, H. Nakamura, "Compiler Directed Fine Grain Power Gating for Leakage Power Reduction in Microprocessor Functional Units", 7th ODES (Workshop on Optimizations for DSP and Embedded Systems), Mar, 2009
- N. Seki, L. Zhao, J. Kei, D. Ikebuchi, Y. Kojima, Y. Hasegawa, H. Amano, T. Kashima, S. Takeda, T. Shirai, M. Nakata, K. Usami, T. Sunata, J. Kanai, M. Namiki, M. Kondo, and H. Nakamura, "A Fine Grain Dynamic Sleep Control Scheme in MIPS R3000", Proc. of International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD-2008), pp. 612-617, Lake Tahoe, October 2008
- B. Nassu, T. Nanya, and H Nakamura, "Detecting Inconsistent Values caused by Interaction Faults Using Automatically Located Implicit Redundancies", Proc. of IEEE PRDC’08 (Pacific Rim Dependable Computing), pp. 138-145, Taipei, Dec. 2008
- B. Nassu, T. Nanya, and H Nakamura, "Discovering Implicit Redundancies in Network Communications for Detecting Inconsistent Values", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), pp.144-153, Dec. 2008
- M. Kondo, Y. Ikeda, and H. Nakamura, "A High Performance Cluster System Design by Adaptive Power Control", Proc. of 21st International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS-2007) Workshop on High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing, (CD-ROM), March, 2007
- R. Watanabe, M. Kondo, M. Imai, H. Nakamura, T. Nayna, "Task Scheduling under Performance Constraints for Reducing the Energy Consumption of the GALS Multi-Processor SoC", Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE07), pp. 797-802, April, 2007
- H. Sasaki, Y. Ikeda, M. Kondo and H. Nakamura, "An Intra-Task DVFS Technique based on Statistical Analysis of Hardware Events", Proc. of Computing Frontiers 2007, pp. 123-130, May, 2007
- R. Watanabe, M. Kondo, H. Nakamura and T. Nanya, "Power Reduction of Chip Multi-Processors using Shared Resource Control Cooperating with DVFS", Proc. of International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD-2007), pp. 615-622, Lake Tahoe, October, 2007
- T. Mishima and H. Nakamura, "A Proposal of New Dependable Database Middleware with Consistency and Concurrency Control", Proc. of IEEE PRDC’07 (Pacific Rim Dependable Computing), pp.334-337, Melbourne, Dec. 2007
- M.Imai, T.Azuma, K.Watanabe, M.Kondo, H.Nakamura, T.Nanya:"Dynamic Multi-grain Pipelined Interconnect," Poster Session, DATE06 Friday Workshop Network-on-Chip (March 2006)
- M.Imai, T.Nanya:"A Novel Design Method for Asynchronous Bundled-data Transfer Circuits Considering Characteristics of Delay Variations," Proc. Async2006, pp.68-77 (March 2006)
- D.Komura, H.Nakamura, S.Tsutsumi, H.Aburatani, and S.Ihara, "Multidimensional Support Vector Machines for Visualization of Gene Expression Data", Bioinfomatics, Vol.21, No. 4 pp.439-444, 2005
- M. Kondo and H. Nakamura, "Small, Fast and Low-Power Register File by Bit-Partitioning", Proceedings of HPCA-11, pp.40-49, Feb. 2005
- 中島浩,中村 宏,佐藤三久,朴泰祐,松岡聡,"高性能計算のための低電力・高密度クラスタMegaProto" 情報処理学会研究報告-ARC-162(21) HPC-101(21), pp.121-126, 2005
- 藤田元信、近藤正章、中村宏,"ソフトウェア制御オンチップメモリにおける演算処理を考慮した低消費電力化手法" 情報処理学会研究報告-ARC-162(35) HPC-101(35), pp.205-210, 2005
- Nattha Jindapetch, Hiroshi Saito, Krerkchai Thongnoo and Takashi Nanya:"A Fair Overhead Comparison Between Asynchronous Four-Phase Protocol Based Controllers and Local Clock Controllers," 2005 ECTI International Conference (May 2005)
- M.Imai, C.Kogure, T.Nanya:"A novel design method using delay-variation-aware cell libraries for asynchronous bundled-data transfer circuits," ITC-CSCC, pp.441-442 (Korea, July 2005)
- H.Saito, N.Jindapetch, T.Yoneda, C.Meyers, T.Nanya:"A scheduling method for asynchronous bundled-data implementations based on the completion of data operations," ITC-CSCC, pp.433-434 (July, 2005)
- M.Tsukisaka, M.Imai, T.Nanya:"Single Latched Scan Registers based on Multi-Clock for Low Heat Dissipation and for Low IR-Drop," ITC-CSCC, Vol.3, pp.945-946 (July, 2005)
- 藤田元信, 田中慎一, 近藤正章, 中村宏, "ソフトウェア制御オンチップメモリにおけるスタティック消費電力削減手法", 情報処理学会論文誌コンピューティングシステム, Vol.45, No.SIG11(ACS7), pp. 219-228, 2004
- 堀田義彦, 佐藤三久, 朴泰祐, 高橋大介, 中島佳宏, 高橋睦史, 中村宏, "プロセッサの消費電力測定と低消費電力プロセッサによるクラスタの検討", 情報処理学会論文誌コンピューティングシステム, Vol.45, No.SIG11(ACS7), pp. 207-218, 2004
- N. Jacq, C. Blanchet, E. Cornillot, K. Kurata, H. Nakamura, T. Sylvestre, V. Breton, "GRID AS A BIOINFORMATIC TOOL", Parallel Computing, Vol.30, pp.1093-1107, 2004
- D.Komura, H.Nakamura, S.Tsutsumi, H.Aburatani, and S.Ihara. "Multidimensional support vector machines for visualization of gene expression data". Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 175-179, March 2004.
- M.Imai, M.Ozcan, T.Nanya: "Evaluation of Delay Variance in Asynchronous Circuits based on the Scalable-Delay-Insensitive Model" in Proc. ASYNC2004, pp.62-71 (April 2004)
- H.Saito, H.Nakamura, M Fujita, T,Nanya:"Logic Optimization of Asynchronous Speed-Independent Circuits Using Transduction Methods," in IPSJ Jounal, Vol.45, No.5. pp.1289-1299(2004 May)
- 藤田元信、田中慎一、近藤正章、中村宏、"ソフトウェア制御オンチップメモリにおけるスタティック消費電力削減手法", 先進的計算基盤システムシンポジウムSACSIS2004, pp. 3-10, May, 2004
- 田島裕也、林田卓朗、近藤正章、今井雅、中村宏、南谷崇、"多重故障に適応したSkewed Checkpointing の提案", 先進的計算基盤システムシンポジウムSACSIS2004, pp. 153-154, May, 2004
- K.Kurata, V.Breton, and H.Nakamura, "A Method to Verify Originality of Sequences Secretly on Distributed Computing Environment", Proceedings of HPCAsia2004, pp. 310-319, July, 2004
- H.Nakamura, T.Hayashida, M.Kondo, Y.Tajima, M.Imai, T.Nanya: "Skewed checkpointing for tolerating multi-nodes failures," SRDS2004 (Oct. 2004)
- M.Tsukisaka, M.Imai, T. Nanya: "Asynchronous Scan-Latch Controller for Low Area Overhead DFT," ICCD2004, pp.66-71(Oct.2004).
- K.Kurata, V.Breton, and H.Nakamura, "Secret Sequence Comparison in Distributed Computing Environments by Interval Sampling", Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology , pp.198-205, Oct., 2004
- H. Nakamura, T. Hayashida, M. Kondo, Y. Tajima, M. Imai, and T. Nanya, "Skewed Checkpointing for Tolerating Multi-Node Failures", Proceedings of IEEE SRDS '04, pp.116-125 , Oct. 2004
- M. Kondo and H. Nakamura, "Dynamic Processor Throttling for Power Efficient Computations", PACS'04 (Workshop on Power-Aware Computer Systems) in conjunction with MICRO-37, 2004
- 近藤正章、中村宏、"ビット分割によるレジスタファイル削減手法" 情報処理学会研究報告2004-ARC-159(3), pp.13-18, 2004 (SWoPP2004)
- 田島裕也、林田卓朗、近藤正章、今井雅、中村宏、南谷崇、"多重故障を考慮した計算機クラスタ向けSkewed Checkpointingの検討" 信学技報DC2004-19(2004-07), pp.37-42, 2004 (SWoPP2004)
- 佐々木広、近藤正章、中村宏、"GALS型構成を用いたクラスタ化スーパースカラにおける低消費電力化の検討"、情報処理学会研究報告 2004-ARC-160、pp.65-70、2004 (DesignGaia)
- 小暮千賀明, 今井雅, 近藤正章, 中村宏, 南谷崇, "遅延変動を考慮したスタンダードセルライブラリの構築と評価" 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, VLD2004-63, pp. 13-18, 2004 (DesignGaia)
- H.Saito, H.Nakamura, M.Fujita, and T.Nanya, Logic Optimization for Asynchronous Speed Independent Controllers Using Transduction Method", Proc. of ASP-DAC 2003, pp.197-202, Kita-kyushu, Jan, 2003.
- E.Kim, H.Saito, J.Lee, D.Lee, H.Nakamura, and T.Nanya, "Performance Optimization of Synchronous Control Units for Datapaths with Variable Delay Arithmetic Units", Proc. of ASP-DAC 2003, pp.816-819, Kita-kyushu, Jan, 2003.
- K.Kurata, V.Breton, C.Saguez, G.Dine, and H.Nakamura "A method to find unique PCR products on the European Data Grid", ハイパフォーマ ンスコンピューティングと計算科学シンポジウムHPCS2003, pp.13-20, Jan, 2003
- 高橋睦史、近藤正章、朴泰祐、高橋大介、中村宏、佐藤三久 "HPC向けオン チップメモリプロセッサアーキテクチャSCIMAのSMP化の検討と性能評価", ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングと計算科学シンポジウムHPCS2003, pp.47-54, Jan, 2003
- Nattha Sretasereekul, Takashi Nanya, "Eliminating Isochronic-Fork Constraints in Quasi-Delay-Insensitive Circuits", IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E86-A, No.4, pp.900-907, April, 2003
- M.Kondo and H.Nakamura, "Reducing Memory System Energy by Software-Controlled On-Chip Memory", IEICE Trans. on Electronics, Vol.E86-C , No.4, 2003
- Masashi Imai, Metehan Ozcan, Takashi Nanya, "An SDI Model based Design Methodology for Locally-Timed Asynchronous Circuits", Trans. of IPSJ, Vol.44, No.5, May, 2003
- Metehan Ocan, Masashi Imai, Hiroshi Nakamura, Takashi Nanya, "Verification and Violation Correction of Timing Constraints for Gate-Level Asynchronous Circuits", Trans. of IPSJ, Vol.44, No.5, May, 2003
- E. Kim, H. Saito, J.-G. Lee, H. Nakamura, D.-I. Lee and T. Nanya:"Synthesis of a single-dual-single wrapper for a generalized synchronous variable computation time arithmetic unit," in Proc. Of IWLS, pp.29-35 (May 2003)
- H.Saito, E.Kim, N.Sretasereekul, M.Imai, H.Nakamura, T.Nanya: "Control signal sharing using data-path delay information at control data flow graph description," in Proc. ASYNC2003, pp.184-193 (May 2003)
- E. Kim, H. Saito, J.-G. Lee, H. Nakamura, D.-I. Lee and T. Nanya:"Implementation of a generalized synchronous variable computation time arithmetic unit with a single-dual-single wrapper,"in Proc. Of ITC-CSCC2003, pp.1075-1078 (July 2003)
- N.Sretasereekul, H.Saito, M.Imai, E.Kim, M.Ozcan, K.Thongnoo, H.Nakamura, T.Nanya: "A zero-time-overhead asynchronous four-phase controller," in Proc. ISCAS, Vol.5, pp.205-208 (Oct.2003)
- H.Saito, E.Kim. M.Imai, N.Sretasereekul, H.Nakamura, T.Nanya: "Control signal sharing of asynchronous circuits using datapath delay information"," in Proc. ISCAS, Vol.5, pp.617-620 (Oct.2003)
- M.Kondo, T.Hayashida, M.Imai, H.Nakamura, T.Nanya, A.Hori: "Evaluation of checkpointing mechanizm on SCore cluster system," in IEICE Trans. on Inf. & Syst, Vol.E86-D, No.12, pp.2553-2562 (Dec., 2003)
- N.Sretasereekul, H.Saito, E.Kim, M.Imai, M.Ozcan, H.Nakamura, T.Nanya:"Synthesis of serial local clock controllers for asynchronous circuit design," in IEICE Trans on Fundamentals, Vol.E86-A, No.12, pp.3028-3037 (Dec. 2003)
- Wen Gao, Xinyu Liu, Lei Wang, T. Nayna: "A reconfigurable high availability, infrastructure in cluster for Grid"," 2nd International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (Dec.2003)
- Hiroshi Saito, Alex Kondratyev, Takashi Nanya : "Design of Asynchronous Controllers with Delay Insensitive Interface", Proc. ASP-DAC/VLSI Design 2002, pp.93-98, (Jan. 2002)
- H.Nakamura, M.Kondo, T.Ohneda, M.Fujita, S.Chiba, M.Sato, T.Boku, "Architecture and Compiler Co-Optimization for High Performance Computing", International Workshop on Innovative Architecture, Hawaii (Jan. 2002)
- M. Kondo, M. Fujita, H. Nakamura, "Software-Controlled On-Chip Memory for High-Performance and Low-Power Computing", HPCA-8 Work-in-progress Session (2002)
- Metehan Ozcan, Masashi Imai, Takashi Nanya : "Generation and Verification of Timing Constraints for Fine-Grain Pipelined Asynchrounous Data-Path Circuits" to appear in Proc. ASYNC2002(Apr. 2002)
- Motokazu Ozawa, Hiroshi Nakamura, Takashi Nanya: "Cascade ALU Architecture: Preserving Performance Scalability with Power Consumption Suppressed", to appear in Proc. COOL Chips V (Apr. 2002)
- 奥山、セッタセリークン、齋藤、南谷、黒田:"階層型CDFGによる非同期
コントローラの合成", 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.43, No.5, pp.1225-1234
(May 2002)
- M. Kondo, M. Iwamoto, and H. Nakamura, "Cache Line Impact on 3D PDE Solvers", the 4th International Symposium on High Performance Computing (ISHPC 2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2327,
pp.301-309, May 2002.
- Masaaki Kondo, Shinichi Tanaka, Motonobu Fujita, Hiroshi Nakamura "Reducing Memory System Energy in Data Intensive Computations by Software-Controlled On-Chip Memory", COLP02 (Workshop on Compilers and Operating Systems for Low Power) in conjunction with PACT02
- H. Saito, H. Nakamura, M. Fujita, and T. Nanya. "Logic Optimization of Asynchronous Speed Independent Controllers by Using Transduction Method." In Proc. IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis(IWLS) pp.245--250, June 2002.
- Nattha Sretasereekul, Y. Okuyama, H.Saito, M.Imai, and T. Nanya "Flexible Partitioning of CDFGs for Compact Asynchronous Controllers." In Proc, International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications, pp.1724-1727,
July, 2002
- H. Saito, T. Ogawa, T. Sakunkonchak, M. Fujita, and T. Nanya. "An Equivalence Checking Methodology for Hardware Oriented C-based Specifications." In Proc. IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop (HLDVT), pp.139--144, October 2002.
- Taku Ohneda, Masaaki Kondo, Masashi Imai, Hiroshi Nakamura, "Design And Evaluation Of High Performance Microprocessor With Reconfigurable On-Chip Memory", IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems 2002, pp.211-216, Singapore, Dec. 2002
- 近藤正章、大根田拓、田中慎一、中村宏, "ソフトウェア可制御オンチップ メモリを用いた低消費電力化の検討", 並列処理シンポジウム JSPP '2002, pp.285-288, 2002
- D.Komura, H.Nakamura, S.Tsutsumi, H.Aburatani, and S.Ihara, "Characteristics of Support Vector Machines in Gene Expression Analysis", Genome Informatics 13, pp., Tokyo, December, 2002
- K. Kurata, G.Dine, G.Saguez, and H. Nakamura, "Rapid Analysis of Specificity of PCR Product on the Whole Genome", Int'l Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA02), pp.246-252 Las Vegas, 2002
- H.Nakamura, T.Arai, and M.Fujita, "Formal Verification of a Pipelined Processor with New Memory Hierarchy using a Commercial Model Checker", Proc. of IEEE PRDC'02 (Pacific Rim Dependable Computing), pp.321-324, Tsukuba, Dec. 2002
- T.Hayashida, M.Kondo, M.Imai, H.Nakamura, T.Nanya, and A.Hori, "Analysis on Checkpointing Mechanism of SCore Cluster System", Fastabstract of IEEE PRDC'02 (Pacific Rim Dependable Computing), pp.1-2, Tsukuba, Dec. 2002
- H. Saito, A. Kondratyev, J. Cortadella, L. Lavagno, A. Yakovlev, and T. Nanya. "Designs of Asynchronous Controllers with Delay Insensitive Interface."IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences, vol.E85-A, no.12, pp.2577-2585, December 2002
- Motokazu Ozawa, Yoichiro Ueno, Masashi Imai, Hiroshi Nakamura, Takashi Nanya: "A cascade ALU architecture for asynchronous
superscalar processors" IEICE Trans. on Electronics, Vol.E84-C,
No.2. (Feb. 2001)
- Nattha Sretasereekul and Takashi Nanya:"Eliminating Isochronic-fork
constraints in quasi-delay-insensitive circuits"
Proc. ASP-DAC2001 (Jan. 2001)
- H.Kagotani, T.Okamoto, T.Nanya:"Synthesis of Two-Phase Asynchronous
Control Circuits from Pipeline Dependency Graphs"
Proc. ASP-DAC2001 (Jan. 2001)
- Motokazu Ozawa, Masashi Imai, Yoichiro Ueno, Hiroshi Nakamura,
Takashi Nanya: "Performance evaluation of Cascade ALU architecture
for asynchronous super-scalar processors" Proc. ASYNC2001
pp.162-172, (Mar. 2001)
- 近藤正章, 朴泰祐, 中村宏, "SCIMAにおける性能最適化手法の検討", 情報 処理学会研究会論文誌HPS, Vol.42, No.SIG12(HPS4),pp. 37-48, (2001)
- M. Fujita, H. Nakamura: "The Standard SpecC Language", Proc. of
ISSS2001, pp. 81-86, (Oct. 2001)
- N. Hosaka, K. Kurata, and H. Nakamura, "Comparison of Methods for
Probe Design", Genome Informatics 12, pp.449-450, Tokyo, (Dec. 2001)
- 亀田、南谷:“パルス論理による非同期式データパス回路の構成”電子情 報通信学 会論文誌,Vol.J83-D-I, No.1, pp.1-8 (Jan, 2000)
- 中村宏, 近藤正章, 大河原英喜, 朴泰祐: “ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング向けアーキテクチャSCIMA” 情報処理学会論文誌 Vol.41, No.SIG5(HPS1), pp.15-27, (2000)
- Rafael Morizawa, Takashi Nanya: " A four-phase handshaking
asynchronous controller specification style and its idle-phase
optimization " Proc. International Conf. on Chip Design Automation,
pp.439-447 (August, 2000).
- Rafael Morizawa, Takashi Nanya:"A specification style of four-phase
handshaking asynchronous controllers and the optimization of its
return-to-zero phase" to appear in IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of
Electronics, Information and Communication, (Dec. 2000)
- M.Tsukisaka, T.Nanya:"A testable design for asynchronous fine-grain
pipeline circuits",to appear in Proc. of 7th Pacific Rim
International Conference on Dependable CComputing, (Dec.2000)
- A.Savva and T.Nanya:"A gracefully degrading massively parallel
system using the BSPM and its evaluation", IEEE Trans. on
Computers, Vol.48, No.1, pp.38-52 (Jan. 1999)
- 籠谷、岡本、南谷:”同期式回路スケジューリング法に基づいた非同期式 回路設計の ための依存性グラフ作成法”電子情報通信学会論文誌A, Vol.J82-A, No.2, pp.239-246 (Feb. 1999)
- T.Nanya, A.Takamura, M.Kuwako, M.Imai, M.Ozawa, M.Ozcan,
R.Morizawa, H.Nakamura:"Scalable-Delay-Insensitive Design: A
high-performance approach to dependable asynchronous systems
(Invited paper)", Proc. International Symp. on Future of
Intellectual Integrated Electronics, pp.531-540, Sendai, Japan
(March 1999)
- 今井、中村、南谷:”SDIモデルに基づいた非同期式パイプライン・データ パスの論 理合成”情報処理学会論文誌Vol.40, No.4, pp.1547-1556 (April 1999)
- Y.Kameda, S.V.Polonsky, M.Maezawa, T.Nanya:"Self-timed parallel
adders based on DI RSFQ primitives", IEEE Trans. on Applied
Superconductivity, Vol.9, No.2, pp4040-4045 (June 1999).
- E.P.Duarte Jr. and T.Nanya:"A hierarchical adaptive distributed
system-level diagnosis algorithm" IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol.47,
No.1, pp.34-45 (Jan.1998)
- M.Sahni and T.Nanya:"On the CSC property of signal transition graph
specifications for asynchronous circuit design (Best Paper Award)"
Proc. ASP-DAC , pp.183-189 (Feb.1998)
- A.Takamura, M.Imai, M.Ozawa, I.Fukasaku, T.Fujii, M.Kuwako, Y.Ueno,
T.Nanya:"TITAC-2: An asynchronous 32-bit microprocessor
(Outstanding Design Award)" Proc. ASP-DAC, pp.319-320 (Feb. 1998)
- Y.Kameda, S.Polonsky, M.Maezawa, T.Nanya:"Primitive-level
pipelining method on delay-insensitive model for RSFQ pulse-driven
logic", Proc. ASYNC-98, pp.262-273 (March 1998)
- Takashi Nanya:"Asynchronous microprocessor architecture and design
(invited paper)", Proc. FED-PDI Joint Confrence on 21th-Century
Electron Devices (FPC'98) (June 1998)
- E.P.Duarte Jr., G.Mansfield, T.Nanya, S.Noguchi :"Improving the
Dependability of Network Management Systems", International Journal
of Network Management, Vol.8, No.4, pp.244-253 (July 1998).
- トンタック、南谷:“Quasi-Delay-Insensitive論理回路の縮退故障テス ト”電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J80-D-I, No.2, pp1-9 (Feb. 1997)
- S.B.Park, T.Nanya: "Synthesis of asynchronous circuits from signal
transitiongraph specifications ", IEICE Trans. on Information and
Systems , Vol.E80-D-I, No.3, pp.326-335 (March 1997)
- B.R. Kishore and T.Nanya: "On concurrent error detection of
asynchronous circuits using mixed-signal approach", IEICE
Trans. on Information and Systems , Vol.E80-D-I, No.3, pp.351-361
(March 1997)
- 高村、桑子、南谷:“非同期式プロセッサTITAC-IIの論理設計における 高速化手法”、電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J80-D-I, No.3, pp.pp.189-196 (March 1997)
- 米田、柴山、南谷:“プロセス代数に基づく非同期式論理回路の検証”電 子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J80-D-I, No.3, pp.207-217 (March 1997)
- E.P.Duarte Jr., T.Nanya, G.Mansfield, S.Nogichi:"Non-Broadcast
Network Fault -Monitoring Based on System-Level Diagnosis",
Proc. 5th International Symp. on Integrated Network Management ,
pp.597-609 (May 1997)
- M.Maezawa, I.Kurosawa, M.Aoyagi, H.Nakagawa, Y.Kameda,
T.Nanya:"Rapid single -flux-quantum dual-rail logic for
asynchronous circuits" IEEE Trans. on App lied Superconductivity,
Vol.7, No.2, pp.2705-2708 ( June 1997)
- B.R. Kishore, Y.Kameda, T.Nanya:"A mixed-signal approach for
on-line testing of asynchronous circuits - a case study "
Proc. 3rd IEEE International On-li ne Testing Workshop, pp.91-95
(July 1997)
- T. Nanya, A. Takamura, M. Kuwako, M. Imai, T. Fujii, M. Ozawa,
I. Fukasaku, Y. Ueno, F. Okamoto, H. Fujimoto, O. Fujita,
M. Yamashina, M. Fukuma :" TITAC-2: A 32-bit
Scalable-Delay-Insensitive Microprocessor", Proc. of HOT C hips
IX, pp.19-32 (Aug. 1997)
- Akihiro Takamura, Masashi Kuwako, Masashi Imai, Taro Fujii,
Motokazu Ozawa, Izumi Fukasaku, Yoichiro Ueno and Takashi
Nanya:"TITAC-2: A 32-bit Asynch ronous Microprocessor based on
Scalable-Delay-Insensitive Model" Proc. ICCD' 97, pp.288-294
- S.-B. Park and T.Nanya:"Automatic synthesis of speed-independent
circuits f rom signal transition graph specifications", Proc. of
9th Int. Conf. on VLS I Design, pp.389-392 (Jan. 1996).
- T.Nanya:"A new perspective on asynchronous VLSI system design",
Proc. of 3rd Asia Pacific Conf. on Hardware Description
Languages, pp.120-127 (Jan. 1996)
- E.P.Duarte Jr., T.Nanya:"Application of distributed system-level
diagnosis for SNMP-based internet fault management", Proc. 10th
IEEE International Con ference on Information Networking
(ICOIN-10) , pp.474-481 (Jan.1996) .
- M.Maezawa, I.Kurosawa, Y.Kameda and T.Nanya:"Pulse-driven
dual-rail logic gate family based on rapid single flux
quantum(RSFQ) devices for asynchronous circuits", Proc. ASYNC'96,
pp.134-142 (March 1996)
- 亀田、黒沢、南谷:“パルス駆動型非同期式回路の基本素子モデルと組 合せ論理回路構成”電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J79-D-I, No.3, pp.140-147 (March 1996)
- E.P.Duarte Jr. and.T.Nanya:"An SNMP-based Implementation of the
Adaptive Dis tributed System-level Diagnosis Alogorithm for LAN
Fault Management" IEEE/IF IP 1996 Network Operations and
Management Symposium (NOMS '96) (April 1996)
- 籠谷、小幡、岡本、南谷:“相互排他処理機能の依存性グラフ表現とそ の2相式非同期回路による実現”電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J79-D-I, No.5, pp.237-244(May 1996)
- T. Nanya and Y. Kameda: "Pulse-Driven Delay-Insensitive Circuits
using Single-Flux-Quantum Devices" Proc. 1996 IEEE International
Conf. on Computer Design, pp.419-424 (Oct.1996).
- E.P.Duarte Jr. and T.Nanya:"Hierarchical adaptive distributed
system-level diagnosis applied for SNMP-based network fault
management" Proc. 15th Inter. Symp. on Reliable Distributed
Systems, pp.98-107 (Oct.1996).
- 籠谷、南谷:“2相式非同期回路の高速化”電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J78-D-I, No.4, pp.416-423 (April 1995).
- E.P.Duarte Jr., T.Nanya:"Distributed computing security through
network mana gement systems", Proc. Middle East Info Tech,
pp.179-192(May 1995)
- S.Piestrak, T.Nanya:"Towards totally self-checking
quasi-delay-insensitive systems", Proc. 25th Int. Symp.on
Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp.228-237 (June 1995) .
- A.Savva, T.Nanya:"Gracefully degrading systems using the
bulk-synchronous pa rallel model with randomised shared memory",
Proc. 25th Int. Symp.on Fault-T olerant Computing, pp.299-308
(June 1995) .
- R.Takahashi, T.Nanya:"Multilevel Logic Design for Testability
using Orthonor mal Expansions", Proc. Internatinal Workshop on
Logic Synthesis, pp.641-646 (May 1995)
- I.Kurosawa, H.Nakagawa, M.Aoyagi, M.Maezawa, Y.Kameda, T.Nanya:"A
basic cir cuit for asynchronous superconductive logic using RSFQ
gates", Proc. 5th Int .Superconductive Electronics Conf. ,
pp.204-206 (Sep. 1995)
- T.Nanya: "Anti-code-disjoint mapping for exception handling in
self-checking system hierarchy", Int. J. of Computer Systems
Science and Engineering, Vol .9, No.1, pp.46-53 (Jan. 1994).
- T. Nanya, Y. Ueno, H. Kagotani, M. Kuwako, A. Takamura: "TITAC:
Design of a Quasi-Delay-Insensitive Microprocessor", IEEE Design
& Test of Computers, Vo l.11, No.2, pp.50-63 (Summer 1994).
- 籠谷、南谷:“依存性グラフを用いた2相式非同期回路の合成”電子情 報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J77-D-I, No.8, pp.548-556 (Aug. 1994)
- S.-B.Park, T.Nanya:"A direct verification of CSC property of
STG/FCs for asy nchronous circuit design", Proc. APCHDL'94 ,
pp.169-176 (Oct.1994) .
- H.Kagotani, T.Nanya:"A synthesis method of
quasi-delay-insensitive processor s based on dependency graph",
Proc. APCHDL'94, pp.177-184 (Oct.1994).
- M.Kuwako, T.Nanya:"Timing-reliability evaluation of asynchronous
circuits ba sed on different delay models", Proc. ASYNC94,
pp.22-31 (Nov.1994).
- 高橋、南谷:“正規直交展開を用いた論理回路のテスト容易性に関する一 考察”電子情報通信学会論文誌、Vol.J77-D-1, No.12, pp.785-793 (Dec. 1994)
- T.Nanya and M.Kuwako," On signal transition causality for
self-timed implementation of combinational circuits", Proc. Hawaii
Int.Conf.on System Science, pp.359-368 (Jan.1993).
- 丹、南谷:“フォールトトレランスを有する階層型ニューラルネットワー クとその性質”電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J76-D-I, No.7, pp.380-389 (July 1993)
- Y.Tan and T.Nanya:"Fault-tolerant back-propagation model and its
generalization ability", Proc. IJCNN, pp. 2516-2519 (Oct. 1993)
- T.Nanya: "Anti-code-disjoint mapping for exception handling in
self-checking system hierarchy", Proc. PRFTS'93, pp161-166
(Dec. 1993)
- T.Nanya," Challenges to Asynchronous VLSI Processor Design", Proc.
International Conference on Microelectronics, pp.III-1 - III-10
(Jan. 1992).
- T.Nanya, S.Hatakenaka and R.Onoo,"Design of fully exercised
SFS/SCD logic networks", FTCS-22, pp.96-103 (July 1992).
- T.Nanya," Challenges to dependable asynchronous processor design",
Proc. International Symp. on Logic Synthesis and Microprocessor
Architecture, pp.132-139 (July 1992).
- S.Hatakenaka and T.Nanya:"A design method of SFS and SCD
combinational circuits", IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems,
Vol.E75-D, No.6, pp.819-823 (Nov. 1992)
- S.Hatakenaka and T.Nanya,"A design method of SFS and SCD
combinational circuits", Proc. Pacific Rim Int.Symp. on Fault
Tolerant Systems, pp.168-173 (Sep. 1991).
- 高原、南谷、:“CCS に基づく擬似非同期システムモデル”情報処理学会 論文誌, Vol.30,No.1,pp.109-117 (Jan. 1989).
- 清水、南谷、:“交番検査方式による2線式検査回路の構成”、電子情報 通信学会論文誌(D-I),Vol.J72-D-I,No.2,pp.126-132 (Feb. 1989)
- T.Nanya and M.Uchida,"A strongly fault-secure and strongly
code-disjoint realization of combinational circuits," FTCS-19,
pp.390-397 (June 1989).
- T.Nanya and M.Uchida,"The design of strongly fault-secure and
strongly code-disjoint combinational circuits," '89 JFTCS,
pp.245-250 (July 1989).
- T.Nanya and H.A.Goosen,"The Byzantine hardware fault model", IEEE
Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems,Vol.8,No.11,
pp.1226-1231 (Nov. 1989).
- 南谷、内田:“分離符号を用いたセルフチェッキング組合せ回路の一構成 法” 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-I),Vol.J72-D-I,No.10,pp.902-910 (Dec. 1989).
- T.Nanya and T.Kawamura,"Error secure/propagating concept and its
application to the design of strongly fault secure processors,"
IEEE Trans.on Computers,Vol.37,No.1,pp.14-24 (Jan. 1988).
- T.Nanya, S.Mourad and E.J.McCluskey,"Multiple stuck-at fault
testability of self-testing checkers," FTCS-18, pp.381-386 (June
- A.Takahara and T.Nanya,"A higher level hardware design
verification" ICCD-88, pp.596-599 (Oct. 1988).
- T.Nanya and T.Kawamura,"A note on strongly fault secure sequential
circuits," IEEE Trans.on Computers,Vol.C-36,No.9,pp.1121-1123
(Sep. 1987).
- T.Nanya and T.Kawamura,"On error indication for totally
self-checking systems," IEEE Trans.on
Computers,Vol.C-36,No.11,pp.1389-1392 (Nov.1987).
- T.Nanya and H.A.Goosen,"Effect of Byzantine faults on concurrent
error checking," ICCAD-87,pp.242-245 (Nov. 1987).
- 南谷、河村:“セルフチェッキング順序回路に関する一考察”、電子通信 学会論文誌(D),Vol.J69-D,No.5,pp.701-705 (昭61-05, May 1986).
- 南谷、河村:“セルフチェッキング・システムの誤り表示について”、電 子通信学会論文誌(D),Vol.J69-D,No.5,pp.826-828 (昭61-05, May 1986).
- 高原、南谷:“高水準設計検証の一方式”、情報処理学会論文誌、 Vol.27, No.8, p p.783-792 (昭61-08, Aug. 1986).
- 南谷、浜松:“m-out-of-2m符号の部分符号に対する自己検査性検査回 路”電子通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J68-D, No.3, pp.229-236 ( 昭60-03, Mar.1985)
- T.Nanya and T.Kawamura,"Error secure/propagating concept and its
application to the design of strongly fault secure processors,"
15th Int.Symp.on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp.396-401 (June 1985).
- 南谷、河村:“セルフチェッキング・システムにおける誤り安全性と誤り 伝搬性の概念”、電子通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J68-D, No.12, pp.2007-2014 ( 昭60-12, Dec.1985).
- 南谷、河村:“セルフチェッキング・プロセッサの一構成法(論文賞)”、 電子通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J68-D, No.12, pp.2015-2026 (昭60-12, Dec.1985).
- T.Yamada and T.Nanya,"Stuck-at fault tests in the presence of
undetectable bridging faults," IEEE Trans.on Computers, Vol.C-33,
No.8, pp.758-761 (Aug. 1984).
- T.Yamada and T.Nanya,"Comments on" detection and location of input
and feedback bridging faults among input and output lines"," IEEE
Trans. on Computers, Vol.C-32, No.5, pp.511-512 (May 1983).
- T.Nanya and Y.Tohma,"A 3-level realization of totally self-checking
checkers for M-out-of-N codes," 13th Int. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant
Computing, pp.173-176 (June 1983).
- 南谷、当麻:“3段実現によるm-out-of-n符号の自己検査性検査回路 (手島記念研究論文賞)”、情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.24, No.4, pp.453-461 ( 昭58-07, July 1983).
- 山田、南谷:“検出不能な短絡故障の下での論理縮退故障のテスト”、電 子通信学会論文誌(D),Vol.J64-D, No.6, pp.543-544 ( 昭56-06, June 1981).
- T.Nanya and Y.Tohma,"Design of self-checking asynchronous
sequential circuits," 10th Int.Symp.on Fault-Tolerant Computing,
pp.278-280 (Oct. 1980).
- T.Nanya and Y.Tohma,"Universal multicode STT state assignments for
asynchronous sequential machines," IEEE Trans.on Computers,
Vol.C-28, No.11, pp.811-818 (Nov. 1979).
- 南谷:“阿江、菅原、増山氏の「多資源非同期式アービタの一形式」に対 する意見”、電子通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J62-D, No.11, pp.775-777 (昭 54-11, Nov. 1979).
- T.Nanya and Y.Tohma,"On universal single transition time
asynchronous state assignments," IEEE Trans.on Computers, Vol.C-27,
No.8,pp.781-782 (Aug. 1978).
- 南谷、古屋、石原、内藤:“中村、宇都宮両氏の「セミモジュラ非同期回 路の汎用構成手順」に対する意見”、電子通信学会論文誌 (D),Vol.60-D,No.1,pp. 82-83 (昭52-01, Jan.1977).
- 南谷:“機能モジュールによる非同期式順序回路の合成”、電子通信学会 論文誌(D), Vol.60-D, No.2, pp.135-142 (昭52-02, Feb.1977).
- 南谷:“非同期式順序回路の万能STT状態割当”、電子通信学会論文誌 (D), Vol.60-D, No.10, pp.846-853 ( 昭52-10, Oct.1977).
- 南谷、内藤:”正論理負論理併用による非同期式順序回路の一構成法”、 電子 通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.59-D, No.2, pp.125-126 (昭51-02, Feb.1976).
- 南谷:“非同期式順序回路における遅延の影響とそのハザードフリー構成”、 電子通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.58-D, No.7, pp.413-420 (昭50-07, July 1975).
- T.Nanya,"Effects of stray delays and hazard-free realization of
asynchronous sequential circuits", Systems, Computers, Controls,
Vol.6, No.4, pp.20-28 (1975))
- 南谷、小池:“非同期式アービタの一構成法”、電子通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.57-D, No.4, pp.242-244 (昭49-04, Apr.1974).
- K.Ohmori,S.Naito,T.Nanya and K.Nezu,"An application of cellular
logic for high speed decoding of minimum-redundancy codes,"
Proc.AFIPS Conf.,Vol.41,pp.345-351 (Dec.1972).